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We hereby give

Speedlog GmbH Internationale Spedition
Obervellmarsche Straße 98-100
DE-34246 Vellmar

the following undertaking:

  1. When executing orders for Speedlog GmbH, we hereby undertake to fulfil all incumbent obligations under the German Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG). This specifically includes:
    1. Payment of a wage to our employees working in Germany corresponding to at least the minimum wage as stated in the latest relevant version of the MiLoG (currently € 9,35 per hour). Within the meaning of the law, the minimum wage is the regular hourly wage, not including bonuses, special payments, benefits in kind or expenses
    2. Compliance with record-keeping requirements in respect of daily working time pursuant to § 17 of the MiLoG,
    3. Written registration of the employee with the relevant customs authority pursuant to § 17 of the MiLoG before any work or service is carried out.
  1. Where we appoint subcontractors/distributors for the execution of orders, we are only entitled to do so if they have also given a written undertaking to be bound by the provisions of the MiLoG.
  1. We hereby undertake to exempt Speedlog in full and at first request from any third-party claims and demands (especially by the contractor or subcontractors appointed by them) relating to an alleged infringement of the provisions of the MiLoG made against Speedlog. This also applies to official requirements, especially penalties, fines and legal costs for administrative offences and criminal proceedings.
  1. Where action is taken against us by third parties for an infringement of the MiLoG (especially by our own employees or subcontractors and authorities appointed by us) in connection with an order executed for Speedlog GmbH, we will notify Speedlog GmbH immediately. The same applies if we become aware of a corresponding claim against a subcontractor appointed by us to carry out a transport operation for Speedlog GmbH.